Lead Screws and Motor Assemblies

Lead Screws and Motor Assemblies

Lead Screws and Lead Screw Motor Assemblies are ideal for applications that require high torque, high precision, and high efficiency. 

  • Available in a variety of sizes and leads 
  • 300 Series Stainless Steel with an optional PTFE coating 
  • Standard,
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Lead Screws and Motor Assemblies

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66 products
Ø 10mm, Length:254mm, Lead:1mm  Nut Type:Round Nut Coating: PTFE ASY LD SCR NUT LS 10x1x1 0254mm RS
Ø 10mm, Length:254mm, Lead:1mm  Nut Type:Lead Screw Round AntiBacklash Nut Coating: PTFE   ASY LD SCR NUT LS 10x1x1 0254mm RCF
Length:100mm, Screw Diameter:6mm Lead:1mm Nut Type:Lead Screw Rectangle AntiBacklash Nut, Motor:Nema 11 Motor (23mm) Coating: PTFE ASY LD SCR NUT LS 6x1x1 0100mm VCF
6mm, Length:250mm, Lead:5mm  Nut Type:Lead Screw Rectangle AntiBacklash Nut, Motor:Nema 8 Motor (16mm) Coating: PTFE ASY LD SCR NUT LS 6x5x5 0250mm VCF
Length:200mm, Screw Diameter:6mm Lead:1mm  Nut Type:Lead Screw Rectangle AntiBacklash Nut, Motor:Nema 8 (16mm) Coating: PTFEASY LD SCR NUT LS 6x1x1 0200mm VCF
Length:100mm Screw Diameter:6mm Lead:1mm Nut Type:Lead Screw Round AntiBacklash Nut, Motor:Nema 8 Motor (16mm) Coating:PTFE ASY LD SCR NUT LS 6x1x1 0100mm RCF
Length: 254mm, Lead:4mm  Nut Type:Rectangle Nut Coating: PTFE ASY LD SCR NUT LS 6x4x4 0254mm VS
Length:254mm, Lead:4mm  Nut Type:Lead Screw Rectangle AntiBacklash Nut Coating: PTFE ASY LD SCR NUT LS 6x4x4 0254mm VCF
Lead Screw - No Motor - Length: 254mm, Lead:1mm  Nut Type:Rectangle Nut Coating: PTFEASY LD SCR NUT LS 6x1x1 0254mm VS
Ø 6mm, Length:250mm, Lead:5mm  Coating: PTFEASY LD SCR NUT LS 6x5x5 0250mm NCF
Length:254mm, Screw Diameter:6mm Lead:1mm  Nut Type:Lead Screw Rectangle AntiBacklash Nut Coating: PTFE Non Captive Lead Screw AssemblyASY LD SCR NUT LS 6x1x1 0254mm VCF
ASY LD SCR NUT LS 6x2x2 0250mm NCF
Length:250mm, Screw Diameter:6mm Lead:1mm Motor:NEMA17 Coating: PTFENon Captive Lead Screw AssemblyASY LD SCR NUT LS 6x1x1 0250mm NCF
6mm, Length:200mm, Lead:5mm  Coating: PTFE ASY LD SCR NUT LS 6x5x5 0200mm NCF
ASY LD SCR NUT LS 6x2x2 0200mm NCF 2mm lead
Length:200mm Screw Diameter:6mm Lead:1mm Coating: PTFE Motor:NEMA14Non-captiveASY LD SCR NUT LS 6x1x1 0200mm NCF
Length: 8" Screw Diameter: 3/16", Lead:0.50"  Coating: PTFE Motor: NEMA11Non-Captive Linear Actuator Lead Screw AssemblyASY LD SCR NUT LS 3/16 x 0.50x8 08.00in
Lead Screw Linear Actuator 3/16" diameter with Round Anti-Backlash Nut and a NEMA 11 Motor. The screw is 8" in length and has a lead of 5mm.  Lead Screw Round Anti-Backlash Nut Length: 400mm Diameter: 3/16" Lead: 0.05" Coating: PTFE   ASY LD SCR NUT LS 3/16 x 0.05x2 08.00in
Lead Screw with Triangle Anti-Backlash Nut with 508mm length, 12mm diameter and a lead of 5mm.  Lead Screw Round Anti-Backlash Nut Length: 508mm Diameter: 12mm Lead: 5mm Coating: PTFE     ASY LD SCR NUT LS 12x5x2 0508mm TCF
Lead Screw with Triangle Anti-Backlash Nut. The screw has a 508mm length, 12mm diameter and a lead of 1mm.  Lead Screw Triangle Anti-Backlash Nut Length: 508mm Diameter: 12mm Lead: 1mm Coating: PTFE   ASY LD SCR NUT LS 12x1x1 0508mm TCF

Lead Screws and Motor Assemblies

66 products

Lead Screws and Lead Screw Motor Assemblies are ideal for applications that require high torque, high precision, and high efficiency. 

  • Available in a variety of sizes and leads 
  • 300 Series Stainless Steel with an optional PTFE coating 
  • Standard, round, triangle and rectangle nuts in traditional and anti-backlash designs 
  • Lead accuracy of 0.003"/ft. (76 µm/300 mm), 3 times better than typical industry specifications 
  • Custom coating process increases the quality of finish and eliminates screw flaking 
  • Five motor frame sizes: NEMA 08/11/14/17/23 
  • Offered in captive and non-captive lead screw motors