Non-Captive Linear Actuator | LN23 Non-Captive Linear Actuator

Non-Captive Linear Actuator

A lead-screw nut is integrated into the motor rotor, and the lead screw passes through the center of the motor. As the motor rotates it moves linearly along the lead screw.  

  • Five frame sizes: NEMA 08/11/14/17/23  
  • Multiple motor lengths and motor sizes  More About Non-Captive Linear Actuator

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Non-Captive Linear Actuator

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A lead-screw nut is integrated into the motor rotor, and the lead screw passes through the center of the motor. As the motor rotates it moves linearly along the lead screw.  

  • Five frame sizes: NEMA 08/11/14/17/23  
  • Multiple motor lengths and motor sizes  
  • Each motor size has a rich range of lead screws 
  • Lead screw can be completely unscrewed from the motor and can be any length 
  • Motor can be fixed so that the screw moves in out of the motor or the leadscrew can be fixed so that the motor moves along the lead screw