Linear Shaft & Low Profile Support Rail - LSG24-018.000-SL 1 1/2" Ø Steel Shaft Length: 18"

1.5" diameter precision case hardened and ground steel shaft, with a matching 18" length low profile LSR steel support rail. This assembly comes as a two-piece set with a separate shaft and support rail. You can bolt the shaft to the rail to save installation time. The shaft's lifespan can be doubled by rotating it for a fresh surface when wear appears. Both sides are counterbored, allowing for a 180° rotation and rebolting for use on the new side.

  • Shaft Diameter: 1.5"
  • Shaft Material: Carbon Steel
  • Length: 18"
  • Low Profile Support Rail (LSR) Material: AISI C-1018 steel  
  • Pre-Drilled Shaft and Rail. Drilled through and counterbored shafts
    may not be suitable for all linear bearings
  • Hole Spacing 8" beginning 4" from the shaft end